A glossary of terms used in THG Fulfil and this API definition.
ASN | Advanced Shipping Notification - a message sent to THG Fulfil detailing the exact contents and details of an inbound stock delivery. |
Consumer | A consumer of fulfilment services from THG Fulfil. |
Delivery Booking | An appointment made for an inbound stock delivery to a warehouse. |
GRN | Goods Received Note - a message sent from THG Fulfil which contains all received inventory information about a corresponding ASN. |
Hazmat | An abbreviation for ‘hazardous material’, a collective term for inventory items which have hazardous attributes, and can refer to the documentation and classification of Hazmat such as UN numbers. |
Inbound | The general activities and processes involved with the sending, verifying, and receipt of goods into a warehouse. |
Inventory Item | An entity representing a product created by the consumer organisation which can be identified using one or more barcodes and for which the barcodes are uniquely mapped. |
Non-Compliance | An issue identified during the inbounding of a delivery where an aspect of the stock, delivery, or other related items does not comply with the required standards. |
Organisation | The party which is invited to use THG Fulfil and is linked to the credentials used to communicate with THG Fulfil. |
Outbound | The general activities and processes involved with the requesting, validating, and fulfilment of shipments or orders out of a warehouse. |
Pre-Advice | A message sent to THG Fulfil indicating an intended delivery of stock to the warehouse. This is then validated and a delivery booking is attempted to be made. |
Provider | A provider of fulfilment services via THG Fulfil. |
Shipment | A set of one or more inventory items requested to be dispatched from a warehouse. |
THG Fulfil | The product offering THG’s world-class fulfilment capabilities allows clients to exceed their customers’ expectations. |
2D Code | A two-dimensional scannable which can encode large amounts of data. Types include QR Code and Aztec. |